
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics offers innovative graduate degree paths at the master's and doctoral levels. All programs can be undertaken on either a full-time or a part-time basis.


The Master of Science Degree has four different tracks, which provide the student with opportunities to focus not only on areas of particular interest in mechanical engineering, but also, if desired, to engage in other disciplines of engineering and science, as well as in non-engineering disciplines in other colleges. Furthermore, these opportunities can be coordinated with a thesis or project or, if more suitable, a program involving only courses. 

All incoming masters students, except those brought to the University with full financial aid, should initially plan to pursue the Master of Science degree track with coursework only. In the event that a student desires to pursue the Master of Science degree track with a project or thesis, it is necessary to obtain the agreement of a faculty member who is willing to collaborate and provide supervision of the research. The availability of faculty for such research supervision depends on the specialty within the area of mechanical engineering and the ongoing advisory commitments of the faculty member during a given semester. Interested incoming students are advised to initiate conversations with faculty during their first semester at Lehigh. Most new students are able to find a match for a thesis or project.


The Doctor of Philosophy Degree  involves a plan of courses that ensure depth and breadth, thereby allowing the student, upon graduation, to either specialize in a particular subdiscipline of mechanical engineering or to become more broadly involved in engineering and related areas. The general examination for the Ph.D., in contrast to the traditional form of the exam, focuses on development of the student’s ability to move into a new area of research, identify major unknowns, and formulate a proposal in relation to a major funding agency. Faculty mentors work closely with Ph.D. students to jointly publish research results in the form of conference papers and archival journals, thereby ensuring visibility for research accomplishments. Furthermore, Ph.D. students have the opportunity to complete a Teaching Practicum, which results in substantial enhancement of communication and presentation skills, of importance irrespective of the student’s eventual career path.

Students who would like to pursue a PhD degree must first identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the student's PhD program. Those students who receive full financial aid from the University during their first year of study should endeavor to identify a PhD advisor by the end of their first semester. Students funded from other sources, who have been accepted into our graduate program, should ensure that they have obtained the consent of a faculty member to serve as a PhD advisor prior to coming to Lehigh. Please be advised that our faculty have many commitments, and the availability of faculty for research supervision depends on the specialty within the area of mechanical engineering and the ongoing advisory commitments of the faculty member.

Joint Program

The Master of Business and Engineering Degree unites two programs into one joint degree by offering a solid foundation in both business and engineering. 

Programs are also offered through Lehigh's Office of Distance Education.


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Lehigh Mechanical Engineering Graduate ProgramsAbout Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Graduate Programs | VIEW PDF >>


Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lehigh University
19 Memorial Drive West
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3085
Phone: (610) 758-4107

E-mail: Ali Marsteller